Improved governance to strengthen the foundations of the CIGAR Network
The CIGAR Biennial Conference of 2019 in Amsterdam set the CIGAR Network on the road to improved governance. The Board was split into the Executive arm and the Advisory body. As the newly elected Chair of the Executive Board, I promised to take tangible steps in order to strengthen the Network by establishing it as a recognised legal association. In this respect, the Executive Board members have worked very hard to draft a legal document that clarifies the roles, duties and obligations of both the Executive and the Advisory Board members.
The governance document also recognises the important role of the CIGAR Network members, and gives the General Assembly voting powers to be exercised during biennial meetings. Furthermore, the legal document synthesises the raison d’etrê of the Network, while referring to its strategic direction. With the registration of this document with the Dutch legal authorities, the CIGAR Network shall be established as a formal association. This is a big step that honours the efforts of the founders of the Network, who had established it as an informal collaboration between a group of academics with common research interests. Legal recognition shall make the Network more effective in its research efforts as its voice shall be stronger and more noticeable by the stakeholders. Legal recognition shall give the CIGAR Network more credit for its contribution to public sector accounting research.
The registration of the CIGAR Network as an official organisation shall be finalised in the coming weeks. Further information will be found in the CIGAR Network website. I am proud of this achievement for our Network.
Giuseppe Grossi – Chair of the CIGAR Executive Board
Το access the governance document please click here