We announce the release of the call for papers for the 5th CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue, which will be published in 2025, in Public Money & Management (PMM) Volume 45.
The editorial team of the CIGAR-PMM Annual issue (Marco Bisogno, Josette Caruana, André Lino, Susana Jorge, and Gorana Roje) invites all scholars who participate in the Networks’ events, or who have a significant interest in CIGAR’s research agenda, to submit papers for consideration for publication in the 5th CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue. The CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue will continue not being tied to a particular theme. The aim is to publish relevant empirical and theoretical articles in topics related to public sector accounting understood in a broader sense, highlighting the contribution to both academia and practice of the CIGAR Network’s research, and aiming at bridging the research-practice gap in the field of public sector accounting and financial management.
The articles in the CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue are circulated to the public management and public finance communities (as well as to the practitioner community via CIPFA members’ free access to PMM). Furthermore, the entire contents of the issue are made free to view from publication for three months by PMM’s publisher.
Articles (including New Development Articles) for consideration should be submitted by October 31, 2024, through PMM’s electronic submission system https://www.tandfonline.com/ toc/rpmm20/current, selecting the ‘CIGAR ANNUAL PMM ISSUE’. The anticipated publication date is October 2025: PMM’s Vol. 45, No. 7. Debates should be submitted directly by email to Michaela Lavender (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). For further information please contact Marco Bisogno (Guest Contact Editor) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.