Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

Call for papers

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We are pleased to launch the call for papers for the third CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue, which shall be featured in 2023: PMM’s volume 43. The CIGAR annual issue is not tied to a particular theme—the aim is to present relevant empirical and theoretical research in public sector accounting, and to showcase CIGAR’s valuable papers in order to increase their contribution to practice and to academia. CIGAR is inviting all scholars who participate in CIGAR events, or who have a significant interest in CIGAR’s research agenda, to submit papers for consideration of publication in the third CIGAR annual issue. Current research themes include: developments in public sector accounting and auditing; management accounting and performance measurement in public sector entities; improving reporting systems for citizens and other stakeholders through, for example, popular reporting, integrated reporting, and sustainability reporting; the impact of digital transformation on the control and accountability of public sector entities; international harmonization and the role of international (or regional) standards;  the role of public sector entities and financial reporting systems in promoting plans and action for the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

These examples are not exhaustive. Other themes, which are capturing the attention of single researchers or of research teams, are also welcome. Any type of research methodology is acceptable - both qualitative and quantitative studies. As with all PMM issues, the CIGAR Annual Issue will also include Debates and New Development articles. 

Papers for consideration should be submitted by 30 September 2022 through PMM’s electronic submission system:, selecting “CIGAR special issue”. 

The first CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue featuring in PMM Volume 46, Issue 6, 2021 is found at

For further information please contact the Guest Editor, Eugenio Caperchione at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

16th CIGAR Workshop


As we have already announced, the 16th CIGAR Workshop will be held in Germany in Berlin from 21 to 23 September 2022. The CIGAR Workshop will start with the PhD Colloquium on Wednesday 21st September 2022 and close on Friday 23rd September 2022 with the IPSASB Research Forum.

The theme of the CIGAR Workshop will be “Educating for Institutional Change in Public Sector Accounting?” and will therefore focus on public sector accounting education (PSAE).  

The organising committee of the workshop comprises Berit Adam, Jens Heiling, Nicole KüchlerStahn and John Siegel.

Paper proposals (maximum 2 pages) should be submitted to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 30, 2022 and – if accepted – full papers will be due by July 30, 2022 August 20, 2022 .

For the call for paper click here

Visit the workshop’s website at

The CIGAR Network’s Second Annual Issue of Public Money & Management

We are pleased to launch the call for papers for the second CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue, which shall be featured in 2022: PMM’s volume 42. The CIGAR annual issue is not tied to a particular theme—the aim is to present relevant empirical and theoretical research in public sector accounting, and to showcase CIGAR’s valuable papers in order to increase their contribution to practice and to academia. CIGAR is inviting all scholars who participate in CIGAR events, or who have a significant interest in CIGAR’s research agenda, to submit papers for consideration of publication in the second CIGAR annual issue. Current research themes include: developments in public sector accounting and auditing; management accounting and performance measurement in public sector entities; improving reporting systems for citizens and other stakeholders through, for example, popular reporting, integrated reporting, and sustainability reporting; the impact of digital transformation on the control and accountability of public sector entities; international harmonization and the role of international (or regional) standards;  the role of public sector entities and financial reporting systems in promoting plans and action for the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

These examples are not exhaustive. Other themes, which are capturing the attention of single researchers or of research teams, are also welcome. Any type of research methodology is acceptable - both qualitative and quantitative studies. As with all PMM issues, the CIGAR Annual Issue will also include Debates and New Development articles. 

Papers for consideration should be submitted by 30 April 2021  30 July 2021 (NEW DATE) through PMM’s electronic submission system:, selecting “CIGAR special issue”. 

For further information please contact the Guest Editor, Eugenio Caperchione at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CIGAR Virtual Biennial Conference 2021 (24-25 June) and Doctoral Colloquium (23 June 2021) - UPDATE

Public Sector Accounting for a Sustainable Future is the theme of the CIGAR Biennial Conference 2021. As previously announced, the online conference will feature research paper sessions in different areas, coordinated by different chairs. The two-day Conference shall include five streams as follows:



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Public sector financial reporting and international standards

Josette Caruana and Susana Jorge

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Public sector non-financial reporting, performance measurement and management accounting

Sandra Cohen and Anne Stafford

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Public budgeting

Tjerk Budding

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Accounting for hybrid organizations, auditing, transparency and corruption in the public sector

Giuseppe Grossi

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Public sector accounting education

Susana Jorge and Jens Heiling

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Please submit your abstract of maximum one page with the purpose, design/method/approach, preliminary findings and contribution, to the respective session chair by 15 March 2021. Notification of acceptance will be sent at the end of March 2021. The full paper submission is expected by 20 May 2021 31 May 2021.

Eligible doctoral students can apply and submit their research proposals of max five pages for the CIGAR Doctoral Colloquium by 15 March 2021. The contact persons for the PhD colloquium are Pawan Adhikari This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Essex University, UK) and Giuseppe Grossi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Kristianstad University, SW; and Nord University, NW).

The attendance fee for the Conference is 50, payable on registration, except for participants in the Doctoral Colloquium. For further information on the CIGAR Biennial Conference 2021 and the Doctoral Colloquium, please see future news in this Newsletter and on the CIGAR website or contact the CIGAR Chair Susana Jorge at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..