Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

Overall Strategy

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The CIGAR Executive Board has completed a document that describes the CIGAR Network Overall Strategy. Clear strategic goals are a prerequisite of sound governance. This comprehensive document expands on the basic strategic pillars of the CIGAR Network that aims:

a) To promote, within doctoral programmes, summer schools and similar activities, the fundamental aspects of the public sector accounting discipline;
b) To support PhD students and emerging scholars through a PhD Colloquium, and other specific events;
c) To incentivise joint supervisions of PhD students;
d) To encourage scholars to collaborate on joint international and comparative studies and projects;
e) To give an adequate visibility, during CIGAR Conferences and Workshops, to truly comparative international high-quality research and academic papers;
f) To provide suitable publication outlets (such as books or journal special or regular issues) for the academic work presented at the CIGAR events and/or by CIGAR Network Members;
g) To have a permanent dialogue with practitioners and standard setters, as well as a significant number of individuals in charge of accounting in public institutions or working in the accounting and auditing professions;
h) To collaborate with other academic research groups, networks and professional bodies internationally;
i) To provide to the general public evidence of the relevance of public sector accounting as a field of study for a better public financial management; and
j) To maintain the necessary financial health for its smooth operation.

The active support of all CIGAR Network members is the key to the achievement of these strategic goals.

Susana Jorge - Chair of the CIGAR Executive Board - February 2022

Το access the CIGAR Network Overall Strategy Document please click here