Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

Call for papers

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Call for papers for Public Money & Management (PMM) theme on Public sector accounting: educating for reform challenges.

We would like to draw your attention to the Call for papers for Public Money & Management (PMM) theme on Public sector accounting: educating for reform challenges.

The guest editors of the theme are Jens Heiling, Berit Adam, Susana Jorge, and Sotirios Karatzimas

Deadline for submissions: 28 February 2023

The main aim of this new theme, which will be published in late 2023, is to explore the relationship between accounting reforms in the public sector and the role of education. Recent reforms evidence a trend for accounting to move away from only technical financial issues, to include non-financial aspects, which present new challenges to be considered in teaching future professionals. Also, digitalization brings different perspectives and issues to be faced and included in PSAE overall. An important aim of this theme is to provide a platform for research in PSAE and to further explore the role and objectives of PSAE.

This theme will include research articles (maximum 8,000 words, including references), new development articles (maximum 3,500 words) and debate articles (maximum 1,000 words). Articles that are innovative in their approach, in terms of themes, methods of data collection and theories are especially welcome.

For  more information about the theme click here or visit the PMM website at