Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

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Doctoral Colloquium 2021
Wednesday, 23. June 2021, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 3231

Eleven interesting PhD projects, at various stages, were presented by students from Brazil, France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Ukraine. The Colloquium was held by the following emerging scholars: Valentina Santolamzza (Rome Tre University), Giulia Leoni (Polytechnic University of Marche), Tamara Volodina and Husanboy Ahunov (Nord University), Federico Lanzalonga (University of Turin), Isabelle Andernack (Burgundy Business School), Shadrack Nkatiah (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Tonia Markogiannopoulou (University of Aegean), Maiara Sasso (University of Sao Paulo), Olga Danylenk (Kiev Taras Shevchenko University), and Lara Ripoll Campo (University of Zaragoza).

The topics of the projects ranged from participatory budgeting, inter-municipal network context, financial sustainability, the dynamic capabilities of National Supreme Audit Institutions, popular reporting and non-financial reporting in the case of cities and hybrid organizations, to the difficult path of harmonising public sector accounting standards, and communication strategies in international organizations (UNESCO), OECD countries and emerging economies.

Professor Sumit Lodhia (University of South Australia), as invited speaker, gave a very instructive presentation on adapting the pitching template to qualitative research, and provided the audience with various recommendations on how to use the qualitative pitch to structure a research proposal, a literature review, undertake a review or empirical analysis.

Another invited speaker, namely, Prof. Mark Christensen (ESSEC Business School), gave useful recommendations and insights on how to avoid the perils of predatory publishing. Mark clearly explained what predatory publishing is, why it is perilous, why scholars might submit to predatory journals, and he also provided some final recommendations on how to avoid predatory journals and publishers.

PhD students and emerging scholars are cordially invited to submit their papers/projects to future CIGAR Doctoral Colloquiums because these offer an excellent chance for a great review by senior scholars, and networking among peers.

Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands