Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

Ph.D. Seminars

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7th PhD Seminar
Wednesday, 4. September 2013
Hits : 9621

The University of Birmingham hosted the 14th Biennial Conference of the CIGAR Network and the PhD Symposium from 2nd to 4th of September 2013. The Conference attracted over 120 delegates from more than thirty countries. The headline theme of the Conference was ‘Public Sector Accounting, Financial Crisis and Austerity’. A set of papers was scheduled into the conference to support this theme and a special edition of Financial Accountability & Management will be edited by Irvine Lapsley and Ron Hodges from the CIGAR Conference. The reform of governmental accounting in less developed countries formed another set of parallel session papers and a special edition of Critical Perspectives on Accounting is being edited by Jan van Helden and Hassan Ouda.

Location Birmingham, UK