Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

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CIGAR Board Chair Susana Jorge member of IPSASB’s Academic Advisory Group

Dear CIGAR friends,

We are very proud to announce that our CIGAR Board Chair, Susana Jorge, has become one of the founding members of the IPSASB’s Academic Advisory Group (AAG) that is currently being established. The other three founding members so far are Andreas Bergmann (AAG Chair), Maria Francesca Sicilia (IRSPM representative), and Francesco Capalbo (former IPSASB member and convenor of the first IPSASB Research Forum). The AAG will add another two current IPSASB Members in its ranks. The works of the AAG will start formally in January 2020, when detailed information about it will be announced.

We wish Susana all the best in her position!

The CIGAR Board