Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

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ONLINE EVENT- 1st CIGAR LAB -Public Sector Accounting in emerging economies

Dear CIGAR Network members,

We are glad to announce a new initiative by the CIGAR Association - a series of online events. During these events, a keynote speaker will present on a specific theme, and then a scholar (or a group of scholars) will further present their work in progress, in order to stimulate discussion and to receive feedback and comments from the audience.

The first such online meeting will be held on December 6, 2023, 10.30-12.00 CET. The first LAB theme is "Public Sector Accounting in emerging economies."

The keynote speaker will be Pawan Adhikari – Essex Business School - University of Essex (UK) who will present on a topic: Public Sector Accounting, Accountability and Development – Reflection from less developed countries.

After Pawan’s presentation, Ricardo Rocha de Azevedo - University of São Paulo (Brazil) will present a working paper titled: Control of local government debt in Brazil – accounting liabilities and fiscal debt.

To participate at the event, please click here.

For more information about the event, please click here.