Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network

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Special issue on "Accounting and performance management innovations in public sector organizations"

The special issue on "Accounting and performance management innovations in public sector organizations", published in Baltic Journal of Management, Vol. 14 Issue: 1, with guest editors Anatoli Bourmistrov, Giuseppe Grossi and Toomas Haldma that was connected to the CIGAR Conference 2017 in Porto is now available

For accessing the editorial of the special issue click here

Call for papers: Special issue of journal 'Sustainability' on Sustainable Development and Non-Financial Reporting in the Public Sector

Dear colleagues,

We would like to draw your attention to a special issue under the title: Sustainable Development and Non-Financial Reporting in the Public Sector that will be published in the journal Sustainability.

The Special Issue Editors are Isabel Brusca Alijarde, Francesca Manes Rossi and Jorge Olmo Vera.

The special issue intends to collect papers addressing the following themes:

  • Developments of a theoretical framework for non-financial reporting in the public sector.
  • Users, uses and usefulness of non-financial reporting in the public sector.
  • Sustainability reporting in the public sector: experiences and practices
  • Comparative studies about sustainability reporting: standards and practices for the public sector.
  • The application of integrated reporting thinking in a public sector context: experiences, benefits and challenges.
  • The application of Directive 2014/95/EU to state-owned enterprises in the European Union member countries.
  • External verification of non-financial reporting: who must control the reliability of the information and how?
  • Popular reporting for local governments: what information should be included and how should it be published?
  • Sustainability and Environmental Management Tools
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: implications for governments and public organizations.

The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2019

For more information click here


Dear Colleague,

EGPA is organizing the 2019 EGPA Conference that will be held in Belfast during 11th - 13th September 2019. The 2019 EGPA Conference will be preceded by the EGPA Symposium for PhD Students and young researchers which takes place during 9th & 10th September.

The 2019 EGPA Conference Website address is as follow:

For the call for papers for the EGPA Permanent Study Group XII: Public Sector Financial Management please click here.

The 2019 EGPA Conference Management System is open for submissions:

The contribution of International Research Networks on public sector accounting towards improving public sector financial management and reporting (update September 2018)

The CIGAR network, the EGPA PSG XII, and the Accounting and Accountability SIG of the IRSPM have jointly established a task force that brings together members of the three research networks interested in playing an active and influential role in the worldwide process of developing high quality public sector financial reports. The mission of the task force is to assist the EU legislator and the IPSASB in their efforts to improve public sector financial management and reporting, by drafting theoretically sound and empirically embedded documents, either spontaneously, or in response to an invitation to provide comments and empirical evidence, for example, on exposure drafts.

To date, the Task force IRSPM A&A SIG, CIGAR Network, EGPA PSG XII has contributed on the following public consultations:

IPSAS Consultation Paper Financial Reporting for Heritage in the Public Sector

IPSAS Consultation Paper for Accounting for Revenue and Non-Exchange Expenses

Exposure Draft 63 Social Benefits

Exposure Draft 64 Leases

IPSAS proposed strategy and work plan 2019-2023