Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter October 2016

In her Editorial, Susana Jorge reports on the CIGAR workshop held in Wellington last July. As you will read, we had plenty of interesting talks and discussions, so we are indebted to both Victoria University of Wellington Business School and Massey University's School of Accountancy for their hospitality.

As a part of our ongoing commitment to support young scholars with feedback and suggestions on their research, Wellington also hosted the
2016 PhD Colloquium. Mandy Cheung, a PhD student, gives her impression on this event (page 2).

On page 4 Jan van Helden and his fellow guest editors offer a short presentation of the November 2016 PMM special issue on Politicians and accounting information.
The papers collected seem to indicate that politicians are only interested in accounting information under specific circumstances, which circumstances also determine the way they use this information. This makes the link between politicians and accounting information resemble a marriage of convenience.

We then have 2 calls for papers:

- a call for a Special issue in Public Administration on The role(s) of accounting and performance measurement in contemporary public administration (for inquiries email Ileana Steccolini This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) (page 4)

- a call for a mini theme in Public Money & Management on Innovations in public sector financial and management accounting: for better or worse? (Call downloadable at )(page 3)

Finally, you will find 3 conference announcements on page 3.
Information is given about:

- the international conference on Planning for Better Communities: the role of Public Administration in Advancing Innovation and Excellence (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 3-5 November, 2016);

- the Second European Colloquium on Qualitative Research Methods in Business and Accounting (University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, April 3-4, 2017);

- the EGPA PSG XII Spring Workshop on Financial sustainability of public administrations: the catalytic role of public financial management (Valletta, Malta, May 4-5, 2017).

Newsletter October 2016