Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter April 2020

In the CIGAR Network April Newsletter, you can find the following:

  • Update on the CIGAR Workshop and IPSASB Research Forum, in Norway by middle June – we go ahead as a virtual event;
  • A CFP by Journal of Public Budging, Accounting and Financial Management, guest edited by Giuseppe Grossi and Alfred Ho, on «Budgetary Responses to a Global Pandemic»; and
  • A discussion topic on the future of public sector accounting scholarship, launched by Jan van Helden (University of Groningen) and Daniela Argento (University of Kristianstad); the Newsletter Editorial Board would like to start a discussion forum on this matter, to run this year. Please send your views and thoughts to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Also, Sandra Cohen concludes her «Topical Public Sector Accounting Agenda Issues».

Finally, Public Money and Management launches a CFP for an issue on «Politicians’ use of accounting information—the interplay between users’ needs, usability and actual use», coming from the CIGAR Biennial Conference last year in Amsterdam. This follows a previous issue on the topic and continues to be guest edited by Jan van Helden (University of Groningen) this time together with Tjerk Budding (VU University Amsterdam).

As usual there are also other CFP and additional information we find to be useful.

Newsletter April 2020