Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter January 2020

On behalf of the CIGAR Board, let me start by sending our Best Wishes for 2020! May it be a prosperous year to all of us, in the different perspectives of our lives. 

This message is to send you the first CIGAR Newsletter issue from 2020.

From its content, allow me to highlight the following:

- The “Practitioners’ inspired discussion on topical public sector accounting agenda issues” by Sandra Cohen, which will continue in the Newsletter in April.

- The call for papers for the CIGAR Network’s Annual Issue of Public Money & Management (PMM).

- A reminder of the 15th CIGAR Workshop and the 2nd IPSASB Research Forum, happening in Norway next June (the CFP for the former is still open until February).

- An update on the EPSAS Project, by our colleague Jens Heiling. 

We hope you appreciate these and the rest of the contents of this issue.


Newsletter January 2020