Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter July 2020

In this CIGAR newsletter, you will start by reading short summaries of our events held in June – the CIGAR Online Workshop in the University of South-Eastern Norway, and the 2nd IPSASB Research Forum, also hosted by our Network.

In page 4 you will read the first contributions, by Ron Hodges and Lauren Ellul, to the discussion forum Neo-liberal ideology threatens scholarship and collegiality of young researchers launched by Jan van Helden and Daniela Argento, in the April’s issue.

Finally, but certainly not least important, in page 3 you will read a new call for venues for our Biennial Conference for next year – 2021, as Tokyo hosts postponed their organization to 2023, due to the current pandemic context requiring contingency measures.

Newsletter July 2020