Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter July 2019

This issue is mostly devoted to our 17th biennial conference, held in Amsterdam at mid-June, which was a highly interesting and intellectually stimulating event.

In the Editorial the conference hosts Tjerk Budding and Bram Faber give an overview of the conference itself, and focus on the contributions offered by the invited plenary speakers.

Susana Jorge and Dorothea Greiling, who took care again of our 13th PhD Seminar, summarize the main points of the papers presented by PhD students (page 2).

Jens Heiling reports (page 3) on a themed session about Public Sector Accounting Education which he organised together with Jim Chan, and invites to build a study group to advance the educational agenda. Please contact him if you want to contribute.

Two conferences are announced on page 2. Information is given about:

  • · the 4th Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 24-26 October 2019)
  • · the 14th  International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR) (Montréal, Canada, 7 -10 July, 2020)

Two calls for papers for special issues are presented at page 2 and 3, respectively:

  • · the Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management invites papers about “Accounting, Accountability, and Governance in Nonprofit Organisations and Government-owned Enterprises”. Deadline for full paper submission is October 31, 2019. Guest editors are Jarmo Vakkuri (Tampere University), Jan-Erik Johanson (Tampere University), Nancy Chun Feng (Suffolk University), and Filippo Giordano (LUMSA University).
  • · Public Money & Management invites papers about “Experiences and challenges with gender budgeting and accounting”. Deadline for full paper submission is November 30, 2019. Guest editors are Giovanna Galizzi (University of Bergamo), Elina Meliou (Newcastle University, London), and Ileana Steccolini (Essex University).

Last (but absolutely not least!), the Newsletter reports on CIGAR governance issues.

Two main decisions have been taken:

  • · an Advisory Board has been put in place, which will have the opportunity to serve the CIGAR community, and support the Board with advice and suggestions;
  • · the Board itself has been renewed, with Susana Jorge to be the Chair, and five colleagues to sit with her in the Board.

These decisions will allow CIGAR to enter the next decade under the leadership of colleagues who have already shown the highest dedication to the network, and who are fully equipped to embark new ideas and indicate new directions – without losing the essential of our history, the legacy of the network’s founders. So, best wishes to Susana and her colleagues!

Newsletter July 2019