Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter July 2017

In the Editorial, Susana Jorge gives a report on our Conference in Porto.

Those of you who were there, will be pleased to get some flavour yet of the wonderful Porto atmosphere, for which thanks goes to the hosts Maria José Fernandes, Patrícia Gomes, Susana Jorge. And those who were not in Porto will discover what they have missed, and will find reasons to participate next time!

On page 2, a feedback on the PhD seminar is given by Dorothea Greiling and Susana. Our PhD candidates were heavily engaged for a full day, but we believe their additional effort has been worthwhile.

Conferences and related calls for papers are announced on page 3. Information is given about:

  • The Workshop of the IRSPM SIG on Accounting and Accountability (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, October 9-10, 2017);
  • The 16th international Congress on Accounting and Auditing (CICA) “From academy to profession” (Aveiro, Portugal, October 12-13, 2017),;
  • The LAEMOS Conference “Organizing for Resilience: Scholarship in Unsettled Times” (Buenos Aires, March 22–24, 2018).

The same page 3 hosts information about a new book series on Public Sector Financial Management, launched by Palgrave Macmillan. Proposals for new books (mainly edited books but also monographs) addressing the series’ relevant areas are very welcome.

Finally, page 4 provides the call for a special issue in TÉKHNE – Review of Applied Management Studies, on the theme Harmonization in public sector accounting: successes and disappointments. The guest editors are Patricia Gomes, Susana Jorge and Maria José Fernandes (deadline for full papers December 30, 2017).

And last, but really not least, we are delighted to inform you all that Klaus Lüder has been awarded the German Federal Cross of Merit for his works in the field of public sector budgeting and accounting. An important recognition, for a life of service to the public sector. Congratulations, dear Klaus!

Newsletter July 2017