Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter January 2015

The January 2015 Newsletter contains a report prepared by Igor Khodachek and Konstantin Timoshenko report on budgeting regulations issued in Russia at macro-level since 2000. They believe the existing system of governmental budgeting represents a hybrid, influenced by the ideas of NPM, other public sector reform discourses, ideas stemming from the Russian past as well as rhetoric.

Then, Yuri Biondi resumes the main findings of a special issue about EPSAS recently published in Accounting, Economics and Law: a Convivium.

Newsletter includes announce conferences in Cristal City (Virginia), Piacenza (Italy) and Hamburg (Germany). It also present two call for papers, for Accounting Forum (deadline May 15) and for Public Money and Management (deadline May 1).

We finally remind about the Malta CIGAR Conference. Please remember to send your abstract before January 31

Newsletter January 2015