CIGAR Newsletter April 2015
The April 2015 Newsletter contains a contribution from Mark Christensen on the Accrual Revolution. As a story reveals as much about the story-teller as about the story itself, he says, accounting researchers also need to think of how politicians see the story which may extend beyond the information produced. Then, Johan Christiaens and Freya Vandendriessche comment the Conceptual Framework IPSASB has recently published and raise some recommendations. It is good news a framework is finally in place, but some improvements might be welcome, they claim.
Newsletter includes announce tracks or conferences in Toulouse (August 2015), Edinburgh (November 2015) and Wellington (July 2016). These are all important events, especially the one in New Zealand: this will be the next CIGAR workshop! So, please save the date if you want to join us!
On page 3 it presents a book on Public Sector Accounting and Budgeting for Non-Specialists, co-authored by CIGAR Board members Jan van Helden and Ron Hodges.
Page 4 hosts the announcement of 2 call for papers for PMM themed issues (one of them linked to the CIGAR Malta Conference).
Finally,, we invite applications to join the CIGAR Board. This is an important issue, and we are sure there will be many CIGAR scholars willing to give a hand to the everyday life of their organization.