Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter July 2021

In this CIGAR Newsletter, amongst calls for papers and other announcements, we wish to bring the following to your attention:

  • A concise stock-taking of the 18th  CIGAR Virtual Biennial Conference 2021 (24-25 June) and Doctoral Colloquium (23 June 2021)
  • An article by Mark Christensen and Heru Fahlevi entitled “Avoiding the perils of predatory publishing” following the discussion about pitfalls in publishing started in the editorial of April 2021
  • The output of the 1st Annual CIGAR PMM issue and the call for papers for the 2nd Annual CIGAR PMM prepared by the Editor of the annual CIGAR PMM  issues Eugenio Caperchione
  • A report by Emanuele Padovani regarding the recent works of the Local Governments Financial Sustainability Across Countries Group (LGFS-Across) that aims at measuring and fostering financial sustainability across LGs
  • Information about becoming a CIGAR member

Newsletter July 2021