Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter January 2022

In this CIGAR Newsletter you can find, among others:

  • Marco Bisogno’s account of the work done by the Taskforce of three research Networks during 2021. The Taskforce has studied and responded to seven consultations launched by the IPSASB during 2021. The CIGAR Network is represented on this Taskforce, together with two other networks interested in public sector accounting, namely, the IRSPM and EGPA. The responses by the Taskforce may prove useful for your own research.
  •  Giovanna Dabbicco who summarises her current research on (i) the applicability of the Stability and Growth Pact during the pandemic; and (ii) the role of accounting in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Links to her ICAEW interviews regarding this research are included in the Newsletter.
  • Announcements for a number of events, including the EGPA PSG XII Spring Workshop in Rome, 26-27 May 2022, and the CIGAR Workshop and IPSASB Research Forum in Berlin, 21-23 September 2022.
  • Call for Papers, including the announcement for the 3rd CIGAR-PMM Annual Issue.


Newsletter January 2022