Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter January 2018

The Editorial has been prepared by Luis Viana. With regard to PPP arrangements, Luis compares the annual report presented by the Government to the Parliament in Portugal and the UK, two countries with different institutional and reporting environments. This research points to the importance of designing a harmonized international framework for PPPs reporting to assure proper public scrutiny, because accounting standards alone may not be sufficient for this objective.

Conferences and related calls for papers are announced on page 3. Information is given about:

  • The 8th edition of the “Azienda Pubblica” Workshop Managing Innovation in the Public Sector. Theory and practice” (Ca’ Foscari University Venice, June 7-9, 2018);
  • The 10th International EIASM Public Sector Conference (Lund, Sweden, September 4-6, 2018)
  • The 2018 Congress of IIAS on Administrative Resilience (Tunis, June 25-29, 2018).

The same page 3 presents a call for papers for a special issue in Meditari Accountancy Research, on the theme Sustainability accounting, accountability and reporting in the public sector. The guest editors are Sumit Lodhia and Amanpreet Kaur (deadline for full papers June 30, 2018).

Page 4, finally, updates the information about the 14th CIGAR workshop (Zagreb, Croatia, July 5-6, 2018), on the topic Accounting for Budgeting and Fiscal Responsibility. Abstracts for the workshop are due March 1, 2018; full papers are due by June 10, 2018.

Two calls for papers for scholarly journals will be associated to this CIGAR workshop (Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies; Public Money & Management).

Newsletter January 2018