Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter October 2015

In the October 2015 Newsletter, the Editorial Team reports on Jostein Askim's keynote speech at our Malta Conference. Jostein confronted our research community with challenging insights from political science about the mindset of politicians.

N Fararin Ali, a PhD student in Accounting at Warwick, reports on her ongoing research about the application of public sector accounting reform in developing countries (p. 2). Her research seeks to fill the gap left by unresolved debates and relatively little empirical or theoretical work, and offers an in-depth exploration of contextual interactions between institutions and processes of accounting change in Malaysia.

Susana Jorge explains that Portugal has decided to embark in the IPSAS trip. The new integrated system is to be compulsory to all Public Administrations within the State’s Budget perimeter from 1 January 2017; 20 entities across several sectors of the Public Administration have been selected as pilots to introduce the system in 2016.

We then have Conference announcements and calls for papers:

  • The next CIGAR workshop (and a PhD Colloquium) will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, on 7-9 July 2016
  • The IRSPM Annual Conference (Hong Kong, 13-15 April 2016)
  • The APIRA Conference (Melbourne, Australia, 13-15 July 2016)
  • The EURAM Annual Conference (Paris, June 1-4 2016)

Newsletter October 2015