Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Network


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CIGAR Newsletter October 2019

This is the CIGAR most recent newsletter (Volume 10, issue 4), gathering several contributions, calls and announcements:

-          In the Editorial, Karoline Helldorff summarizes the paper she presented at the PhD seminar in Amsterdam, raising attention to some problems the EPSAS issuance may find within the EU legal framework for policy making, and calling attention for further research on the best instruments to pass EU public sector accounting policies;

-          Page 2 presents a summary of the 1st IPSASB Research Forum in Naples, which constituted a very good starting point to bring closer the collaboration between academics and practitioners, regarding PSA;

-          Also in page 2, a synthesis of the main points of Grossi’s keynote speech in APIRA is presented, on hybridization and public sector accounting;

-          Page 3, apart two conference announcements, presents the agreement between our Network and PMM for a 3-year special issue – the ‘CIGAR Annual Issue’; at the end, it recaps a CFP in AAAJ on the publicness of PSA;

-          Finally, in page 4 there is the CFP for the CIGAR workshop 2020, in Norway, on “The Quality of Public Sector Audit: Profession, Institutions and Standards”, and also a CFP in FAM on ‘The Future of Public Auditing’.

Newsletter October 2019